14 Days to Better Sleep

14 Days to Better Sleep

Here’s a common scenario with most of us – we are constantly “on the go,” running from one task to another with hardly time to rest in between. You get the kids off to school, head to the office to deal with the first crisis of the day, use your “lunch hour” to pay bills or run one of the kids to the dentist, and somewhere in the middle of all this you have make dinner, do 3 loads of laundry, and find time to exercise. So, to put it bluntly, you are under chronic stress.

And how’s the sleep? Do you find yourself in bed, lying there watching the clock tick — hour after hour? Do you wake up several times a night wondering if you will ever get back to sleep? are you tired and not refreshed when you wake up in the morning? sleep isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity, and you are never more aware of that fact than when you can’t get enough.


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