Detoxification is now the hot term among the health and wellness community. You can’t go a night without seeing some sort of detox product being advertised somewhere on television. For the majority of people that have tried a “detox” program their knowledge of how the body detoxifies is limited or they are under misconceptions of what detox means. The truth is that detoxification is a 24-7 process that goes on every day. It is not a process that you just turn on or turn off. Most people associate detox with popular products that are “colon cleanses” or “liver detox” products. While the liver and the intestines play crucial roles in your bodies detox processes, most people do not pay attention to other organs that help with elimination of toxins. You can think of this process as a “whole body” detoxification effort with multiple organs getting involved in keeping your metabolism running efficiently. People logically ask the question; “How do I get these chemicals and do they really effect my health?”