Triphasic Tactical Training Manual: Mastering Preparedness: A Scientific Approach to Structuring Training Systems for Tactical and First Responders

Triphasic Tactical Training Manual: Mastering Preparedness: A Scientific Approach to Structuring Training Systems for Tactical and First Responders

This book was written with the explicit intent to deliver a systematic and scientifically founded approach in training methodology for athletes whose preparation does not result in wins or losses, world records, or gold medals. This book is for the tactical athlete and those that dedicate their lives to assist in their preparation. In the tactical arena, less than ideal performance can have grave consequences. One step too slow, one moment too long, and the defeated does not receive a silver medal and a warm handshake. As the dedication of this book reads, “For the fallen.” May their ghosts never utter that they were put in harm’s way ill prepared.


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