TetraCur LPT White Paper


TetraCur LPT™ 

This material is provided for educational and informational purposes only to licensed health care professionals. This information is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Herbs and other natural substances are very powerful and can occasionally cause dangerous allergic reactions in a small percentage of the population. Licensed health care professionals should rely on sound professional judgment when recommending herbs and natural medicines to specific individuals. Individual use of herbs and natural medicines should be supervised by an appropriate health care professional. The use of any specific product should always be in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.

Liposomal LPT™ chewable tabs provide a safe and more efficient way for the body to absorb nutrients, peptides and other targeted therapeutic compounds. LPT™ does not have stability problems that plague the liposomal industry – LPT™ are proven stable.


TetraCur (White Curcumin LPT™) Uses:

TetraCur is formulated as a superior antioxidant/antiinflammatory supportive supplement but has other activities including:

  • Improved bioavailability and therapeutic support using tetrahydrocurcuminoids
  • Non-staining turmeric
  • Musculoskeletal injury support
  • Anti-aging support
  • Metabolic supportive – weight management


  • C3 Reduct© – 95% tetrahyrocurcuminoids,  50 mg per LPT™
  • Chew and swallow 2 times daily



TetraCur LPT™ is a unique, highly bioavailable, chewable liposomal tablet (lipotab LPT™) using 3 curcuminoids (> 95% tetrahydrocurcuminoids) from Turmeric root (Curcuma longa).  TetraCur LPT is used to support inflammation and improved recovery.


Tetrahydrocurcuminoids come from Curcuma longa, a perennial herb and member of the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family. The plant is cultivated extensively in Asia, India, China, and other countries with a tropical climate, and it has been used medicinally in these cultures for thousand of years.[1]  The dried roots (rhizomes) contain yellow compounds called curcuminoids. What C3 Reduct curcumin contains the hydrogenated curcuminoids from the plant, called tetrahydrocurcuminoids. Tetrahydrocurcuminoids are the major metabolites of curcumin in the human gut. They provide better anti-inflammatory activity and increased dosage efficacy.


Curcumin exerts anti-inflammatory effects by regulating inflammatory signaling pathways and inhibiting the production of inflammatory mediators.  Curcumin binds to Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and regulates downstream nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB), Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), Activator Protein 1(AP-1) and other signaling pathways thereby regulating inflammatory mediators and treating inflammatory diseases. Curcumin can down-regulate NF-κB through acting on Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ).[2] Curcumin 

can also play anti-inflammatory effects by regulating The Janus kinase/Signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT) inflammatory signaling pathway. In addition, NOD-like receptor pyrin domain-containing 3(NLRP3) inflammasome is cytosolic multiprotein complexes that are involved in the development of a variety of inflammatory diseases. The NLRP3 complex consists of three components: a sensor protein, an apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain and a protease caspase-1. Curcumin could directly restrain the assembly of NLRP3 inflammasome, or inhibits the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome by inhibition of NF-κB pathway, which may be one of the mechanisms of curcumin for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.[3] Clinical trials have also reported that curcumin can reduce inflammatory mediators, including IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha among others. 


The regulatory effect of curcumin on immune cells is beneficial to its treatment of inflammatory diseases.[4] Curcumin mainly acts on dendritic cells, T helper 17 cell, T regulatory cell. Th17 is an important pro-inflammatory cell that produces IL-17, IL-22, and IL-23 and promote inflammation response. Treg cells inhibit the inflammatory response.  Changes in the number and function of Th17 and Treg can cause an abnormal immune response, leading to inflammation. Maintaining Th17/Treg balance is favorable to the maintenance of immune homeostasis and the treatment of inflammatory diseases.[5] Curcumin inhibits Th17 differentiation and regulate Treg/Th17 rebalance is by inhibit the IL‑23/Th17 pathway.


Oxidative stress is closely related to inflammatory processes. The accumulation of Reactive oxygen species (ROS) leads to oxidative stress, which enhances inflammation by activating transcription factors associated with inflammation. Curcumin reduces ROS production due to its effect on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase and increasing the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and is related to Nrf2-Keap1 pathway. Curcumin reduces inflammation through its antioxidant activity.


Tetrahydrocurcuminoids (THC) mechanism of antioxidant activity include:

  • PREVENTION of free radical formation
  • INTERVENTION whereby already formed free radicals are quenched




Tetrahydrocurcuminoids are reported useful for:

  • Chronic inflammation
  • Sports or exercise recovery improvement
  • Blood sugar management – Antiglycation potential
  • Cholesterol control
  • Liver protection
  • Cancer chemo management
  • Anti-aging





Curcumin in Sports Performance

Due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin, it can increase exercise performance by improving mitochondrial biogenesis and decreased exercise-induced muscle soreness and muscle damage.[6] 

Laboratory-based studies of cycling, running and eccentric loading protocols (e.g., downhill running, eccentric resistance exercises), have reported that curcumin supplementation before and after an exercise period can reduce subjective soreness, attenuate haematological inflammatory markers, and improve subsequent exercise performance.[7],[8]  Human studies are also supportive of using curcumin in sports performance. One study, in elite rugby players, reported that curcumin attenuated muscle damage and limited loss of muscle function after a muscle damaging protocol, while one other study in youth team male footballers found that curcumin attenuated DOMS and loss of muscle function after match-play.[9] Curcumin may also decrease the biomarker hs-CRP (C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation and cardiac risks) post sports performance.[10]

Toxicity, Contraindications, or Side Effects: 

  • There is no known toxicity or side effects from taking ingredients found in TetraCur LPT™, AT RECOMMENDED DOSAGES.[11]
  • DO NOT TAKE if you are allergic to any ingredient in TetraCur LPT™.
  • Take with food/milk if you are sensitive.


Why Lipotabs?

The revolutionary Liposomal LPT chewable tabs provide a safe and more efficient way for the body to absorb nutrients, peptides and other targeted therapeutic compounds. LPT™ does not have stability problems that plague the liposomal industry – LPT™ are proven stable.


Liquid liposomal products have inherent stability issues. Issues with Liquid Liposomes on the Market include:

  • Needs significant heat to produce – makes product unstable and decomposes active and inert ingredients in the product
  • Particles clump together to form larger and larger particle size
    • Liquid liposomes reported to grow from 100nm size to 3000nm over a 30-day period[12]
    • Larger particle size means less bioavailable
    • Larger size also means increased potential for side-effects

 LPT  particles don’t require heat for production and don’t “clump” like liquid liposomes over time.

  • Means Greater Bioavailability
  • Greater Stability
  • Superior Product
  • Superior Results
  • No toxic excipients

Lipotabs LPT are safe, chewable, oral liposomal tablets manufactured using patented, small molecule technology to improve bioavailability and biological effects.

Copyright © 2023 James B. LaValle, Natural Formulations All rights reserved.

No part of this material may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the author.

This material is provided for educational and informational purposes only to licensed health care professionals. This information is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Herbs and other natural substances are very powerful and can occasionally cause dangerous allergic reactions in a small percentage of the population. Licensed health care professionals should rely on sound professional judgment when recommending herbs and natural medicines to specific individuals. Individual use of herbs and natural medicines should be supervised by an appropriate health care professional. The use of any specific product should always be in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.

[1] No authors listed. Curcuma longa (turmeric). Monograph. Altern Med Review. 2001;6 suppl:S62-6.

[2] Peng Y, et al. Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Curcumin in the Inflammatory Diseases: Status, Limitations and Countermeasures. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2021;15:4503-25.

[3] Hasanzadeh S, et al. Curcumin: an inflammasome silencer. Pharmacol Res. 2020;159:104921.

[4] Rahimi K, et al. Targeting the balance of T helper cell responses by curcumin in inflammatory and autoimmune states. Autoimmun Rev. 2019;18(7):738–748. 

[5] Zhang W, Liu X, Zhu Y, et al. Transcriptional and posttranslational regulation of Th17/Treg balance in health and disease. Eur J Immunol. 2021.

[6] Nostrait-Oskouie M, et a. Curcumin: a dietary phytochemical for boosting exercise performance and recovery. Food Sci Nutr. 2022; https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.2983

[7] Kawanishi N, Kato K, Takahashi M, Mizokami T, Otsuka Y, Imaizumi A, et al.. Curcumin attenuates oxidative stress following downhill running-induced muscle damage. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013;;441:573–8. 

[8] Abbott W, et al. Curcumin attenuates delayed-onset muscle soreness and muscle function deficits following a soccer match in male professional players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform.2023;18:347–53.

[9] Delecroix B, et al. Curcumin and Piperine supplementation and recovery following exercise induced muscle damage: a randomized controlled trial. J Sports Sci Med. 2017;16:147–53. 

[10] Clayton DJ, et al. Turmeric supplementation improves markers of recovery in elite male footballers: a pilot study. Front Nutr. 2023;10:1175622.

[11] EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA), et al.
Safety of tetrahydrocurcuminoids from turmeric ( Curcuma longa L.) as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283. EFSA J. 2021;19(12):e06936.

[12] Lombardo D, Kiselev MA. Methods of Liposomes Preparation: Formation and Control Factors of Versatile Nanocarriers for Biomedical and Nanomedicine Application. Pharmaceutics. 2022;14(3):543.